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5 Benefits Of Using Your Business Profile On Google

As a host, it’s important to earn the trust of potentials

You can achieve this by making sure that your online presence is informative, accurate and engaging.

With your business profile optimized on Google, the no.1 search engine in the world, you will have more views, more clicks to the website and a much superior reputation in front of potential customers.

You're Easy To Find Online

Below the paid advertisements in the local searches, (e.g. accommodation nearby) is displayed the top results with local businesses.
The locations displayed here receive 700% more clicks. If your location is optimized correctly, your rental unit will appear in front of potential customers looking for your accommodation on google to make a direct reservation.

Get Customer Reviews

Google is currently the review platform with the fastest growth.
Therefore, reviews on Google have become more important than ever by providing the validation consumers look for when making a choice.
If your location is set up and optimized on Google My Business, you can get reviews from your guests easily.
More reviews mean more bookings.

Respond Easily to Reviews

There are 50% more chances for a client to choose the services of a business that regularly responds to reviews.
It is an easy way to prove to your customers that you care about the experience you offered them and their feedback.

Show More

Opening hours, location and contact details improve the customer experience, providing relevant information quickly.
Considering that 76% of the customers who are looking for your business online, will contact you in the near future, it is certain that optimizing your location on Google will bring you more opportunities.

More Direct Bookings

Increased Google exposure, a clear display of your location information, ongoing customer engagement, and a good reputation all significantly boost the number of direct reservations for your rental unit.

Google My Bussiness setup fee: 100$

* * You get this service free of charge when you opt-in for the yearly subscription of Direct Book It

5 Beneficii Ale Utilizarii Profilului De Companie Pe Google

In calitate de gazda, este important sa castigi increderea potentialilor

Poti obtine acest lucru asigurandu-te ca prezenta ta online este informativa, precisa si captivanta.

Avand profilul afacerii tale optimizat pe Google, motorul de cautare nr.1 in lume, vei avea parte de mai multe vizualizari, mai multe click-uri catre website si o reputatie net superioara in fata potentialilor clienti.

Esti Usor De Gasit Online

Chiar sub reclamele platite in cautarile locale, (ex.cazare in apropiere) sunt afisate rezultatele de top cu afaceri rocale.
Locatiile afisate aici primesc cu 700% mai multe clickuri.
Daca locatia ta este optimizata corect, vei aparea in fata potentialilor clienti care cauta unitatea ta de cazare pe google pentru a face o rezervare directa.

Colecteaza Recenzii De La Clienti

Google este in prezent platforma de recenzii cu cea mai rapida crestere. Prin urmare, recenziile pe Google au devenit mai importante ca niciodata oferind validarea pe care consumatorii o cauta atunci cand fac o alegere. Daca locatia ta este configurata si optimizata pe Google My Busines, vei putea obtine cu usurinta recenzii de la turistii care iti trec pragul.

Raspunde Usor Recenziilor

Sunt cu 50% mai multe sanse ca un client sa aleaga serviciile unei afaceri care raspunde in mod regulat la recenzii.
Este o metoda usoara prin care poti dovedi clientilor tai ca tii cont de experienta pe care le-ai oferit-o si de feedback-ul lor.

Afisaza Mai Multe Informatii

Orarul de functionare, locatia si datele de contact imbunatatesc experienta clientilor, oferind informatii relevante, rapid.
Avand in vedere ca 76% dintre clientii care iti cauta afecerea online, te vor contacta in viitorul apropiat, este clar c optimizarea locatiei tale pe Google iti va aduce mai multe oportunitati.

Mai Multe Rezervari Directe

O expunere mai mare pe Google, afisarea clara a informatiilor locatiei tale, interactiunea constanta cu clientii si o reputatie solida cresc considerabil numarul de rezervari directe pentru unitatea ta de cazare.

Cost configurare + optimizare Google My Bussiness: 100

* Beneficiezi GRATUIT de acest serviciu la achizitia abonementului anual Direct Book It